If you have any questions, comments or ideas about U Bring Change to Mind at IU or any of our intitiatives please feel free to reach out to us!
Contact Us!
Please contact Theresa Vernon, Program Manager, Office of the Chief Health Officer, tm5@iu.edu
For information please contact ubc2miu@gmail.com
Please contact Jennifer Claypoole or Abigail Conway at ubc2me@iu.edu
Please contact Brittany Snyder at ubc2min@iu.edu
Please contact Alex Copeland at ubc2mnw@iu.edu
Dr. Kristina Peterson
Phone: 812-941-2244
Email: kcp01@iu.edu
Dr. Michael Day
Phone: 812-941-2244
Email: micaday@iu.edu
Please contact Kevin Griffith, Derrick Patty, or Misel Ramirez Vasoli at ubc2msb@iu.edu